
How Betterworks Calibration enables accurate and fair performance appraisals without any of the frustration

Identify and Elevate Top Performers with Timely and Equitable Data- Driven Insights

For too long, administrative constraints have limited the calibration process to a yearly activity, sacrificing data accuracy and fairness. Betterworks makes the calibration process instantaneous, so you can perform precise, unbiased calibrations throughout the year. Calibration aggregates rich performance data into clear, unbiased insight into employee performance—at a glance. With that, you can make timely and fair data-driven talent decisions anytime, not just during the year-end appraisal process. 

Take a closer look at how Betterworks Calibration can:

  • Dramatically reduce the time your HR team spends facilitating calibration sessions 
  • Easily capture an employee’s full body of work when evaluating their performance 
  • Help towards your DE&I goals by alerting you to hidden biases in your performance process
  • Provide insights into company-wide performance for HR and leadership decision-making 

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