Anonymous Case Study

Health and Nutrition Company Uses Betterworks to Build a Sustainable Path to Change

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United States

The Business Challenge

Known for its successful weight loss products and programs, this nutrition and health company has been helping people create sustainable lifestyle changes for long-term health for over 40 years. It uses health coaches along with its products to provide a personalized approach for each customer.

To manage performance, the organization’s leaders each used their own processes and paper documentation– if they documented at all. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive and standardized approach to performance management, they wanted to build new muscle for their 700-plus employees, who did not have established practices. Leadership also understood that it needed to focus on behavioral changes to spark a true transformation in its processes and workforce.

With a short timeline, a variety of processes and people involved, and antiquated, deeply instilled habits, the project was akin to the personal health journies the company supports for its customers. The team in charge of choosing and leading the implementation of new HR technology was tasked with instilling new habits into the workforce. The focus was on promoting accountability, career development, and consistency. The company followed some of its own best practices and focused on developing better habits and practices to make lasting change. 

The Solution

The company first implemented Betterworks Goals and taught its workforce how to effectively write and talk about goals, measure progress, and understand their role in helping achieve larger organizational objectives. Key to this was the creation of thoughtful training content designed collaboratively by Betterworks, business leaders across the organization, and HR business partners. The training content introduced the expansive workforce to new concepts, familiarized employees with the organization’s long-term strategy, and began to build momentum toward a comprehensive and effective performance management program.

Phase two involved introducing the concept of career development conversations via Betterworks Conversations, which enabled managers and their direct reports to designate time to discuss professional development opportunities and growth areas. Betterworks also encouraged the company to shift its mindset from viewing managers as superiors to also viewing them as coaches who could offer guidance and support as employees pursued their professional and personal goals.

The Impact

Six months after the implementation of Betterworks, the health company went from virtually no goals tracked to 1,320 goals monitored in Betterworks. Goal transparency across levels of the organization promoted increased alignment and execution of top priorities. Employees were able to track their progress and better understand how their work contributed to broader company goals.

Conversations also flourished throughout the organization. The company reached 99.8% participation in conversations, exemplifying its commitment to supporting meaningful dialogue between managers and employees. Managers and employees learned to set aside time for these important conversations, and templates and suggestions for best practices ensured that the conversations were valuable and productive.

The team in charge of leading the implementation of Betterworks also reported positive feedback across the board. Employees felt more heard by their managers because of the conversations taking place in the Betterworks platform. The team now feels more confident in their company’s performance management processes, knowing they have made strides toward building a strong, comprehensive performance management program and instilling productive, lasting habits into their workforce.

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